We’re excited to worship together again at our Branchline Church building. 10:00 am is our live service!

If you’re not ready to join us in person, you can still connect with us live on YouTube at 10:00am.

We also meet at 9:25 before each service to pray for and celebrate what God is doing! All are welcome to come early and be a part of this time.


Will Branchline's Online Service still be happening?

Yes! We have loved still being able to come together online, and we know some people are not quite ready to return to the building. You are still part of the Branchline Church family! Our online service will continue to go live at 10:00am on our YouTube channel.

What about kids and youth ministries?

Our bKidz children ministry meets during the 10:00am service and is for any kids 6 weeks - 5th grade.

Our Impact Student Ministries happens every Wednesday night from 6:30-8:15pm at the church. You can go to Impact's Page to find out more. You can also stay connected and updated through the Impact Facebook and Instagram pages.

Are you requiring people to wear a mask?

We are no longer requiring masks in accordance with the latest updates. We will have some on hand for people who would like one.

What steps are you taking to keep the building clean?

We have a dedicated cleaning team who wipe down and disenfect all surfaces, doors, handles, tables, and chairs before the service. We also provide hand sanitizer on the way in and out.

If you would like to fill out a connect card you can use our online card.

How can I help?

If you would like to be on the cleaning team please send us an email at

Most of all, respecting the personal health decisions of others. We want to show the love of Christ to all during this time.