Branchline church Worship Hastings MN
Praise is our response to God’s nature. Worship is our response to God’s presence.
Praise is our response to God’s Nature. Worship is our response to God’s presence.
What is the heart of worship?
It is our hearts delighting in Jesus and praising God for all that He has done and continues to do in our lives, no matter what our present circumstance.
As Christ-followers, we are called to worship God, in everything we do, in spirit and in truth. John 4:24 “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
The goal is not perfection or keeping people entertained, the goal is to assist in curating a space where the Holy Spirit can move freely in our church services.
The challenge for us, not only during our weekly church services, but on all the other days of the week, is to approach God in reverence and awe, offering our full heart as a participant, and fully engaging with God as a worshiper.
Our hope and desire here at Branchline Church is that we would encounter the living God in a new way every Sunday morning. Breakthrough begins when we stop being impressed with the size of our problems. That as we reflect on our trials (and our victories), we are confident that Jesus is who He says He is, and that the Holy Spirit makes a way for us to connect with our Creator in a life changing way.
If we are not dreaming big about what God will do when we gather together, or anytime really, odds are that we will stay complacent and have little growth. When we enter our services expectant and confident that worship breaks chains, God’s Presence will move, and lives will be changed, breakthrough will begin.
John 4:24, “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
We are on Spotify
If you want to find the music we play on Sunday mornings, check us out on Spotify