Good Shepherd

Scripture: Psalm 23

Psalm 23 reassures us that God, our Good Shepherd, is WITH us in any and every situation. Interestingly, the theme of God as a Shepherd was actually quite common in ancient Israel. However, Psalm 23 takes it step further and makes it a point to show God as a Good Shepherd who, like ancient shepherds, knew each sheep by name. 

As a result, God as the Good Shepherd does not mean He’s just our protector but also our caretaker. God offers us life and life to the fullest. He provides us with everything we need and more! So without our Shepherd, the reality is we are helpless, which is exactly why Jesus calls Himself the Good Shepherd in John 10.

In His own words, Jesus tells us in John 10:14-15: “I am the good shepherd. I know my own sheep, and they know me just as my Father knows me and I know my Father. And I lay down my life for the sheep.” 

Ultimately, it’s Jesus who is the loving protector and caretaker for His flock. He is the fulfillment of what David wrote about in Psalm 23, and as we come out of an amazing celebration of Easter, I pray you will allow this short but powerful psalm to draw you closer to Jesus, your Protector, Caretaker, and Savior!

Song: I Am Not Alone – Kari Jobe

Pastor Joe
