Living In Reality

Uncertainty and vulnerability often lead to truth.

What is truth? The proper definition of truth is the body of real things, events, and facts. Actuality.

What is actuality? The proper definition of actuality is the quality or state of being actual.

Now…you may think that I am having fun with you…but I am going somewhere with this. One more.

What is actual? The proper definition of actual is existing in fact or reality.

To live in reality we can only be in the present. But it takes honesty and vulnerability to get to truth. That present truth.

Sometimes we’re just stubborn. We don’t want to face the facts. Even when the truth is slapping us in the face.


In this time of uncertainty have you made time to be vulnerable before God? Seeking His truth about your reality.

God’s reality points us to who we truly are in Christ Jesus. No lies. No half-truths. No past.

Per my question above, be deliberate about setting aside some quiet time with God this week and ask him to reveal to you the truth of your current reality. It may not be as bad as the enemy has been telling you it is. Pray. Clear your mind. Open your heart. Take it one step at a time. Take it one day at a time. Remember there is grace for you. God’s grace.

Pray this with me.


God, I need You in this uncertain time. I also need Your truth. The truth that destroys the lies and sets me free. Quiet my heart Lord and set me on a new path where I can thrive in your presence. To live in your joy. To live in your peace. And to live in the fullness of Your grace. Amen.


I want to leave you with this Psalm this week. Psalm 143. Read and meditate on it HERE.

Pastor Ian
