Push Through Fear

Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7, “7 For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid or give us a spirit of fear, but He gives us power, love and self-discipline.”

Every time I hear the word fear; I think of the 90’s slogan “No Fear.” As a teenager in the 90’s, we used this slogan to go big or go home.

I remember using this slogan when skiing off a cliff, taking a test that I didn’t study for, or while playing tackle football without pads on. This slogan seemed to work during my teenage years, but now I know that life is NOT without fear. 

Fear is running rampant right now. COVID-19 has changed everything. Our future is unpredictable and unknown. There is no way to escape it. And so, how do we push through the fear.

When my wife and I put our youngest child to bed, we would always quote this statement “God has not, given me, a spirit of fear, but of power and love, and a sound mind.” This comes from 2 Timothy 1:7. 

This verse tells us that fear does not come from God, but it does exist. God knows that, and so He gives us the power and love to push through the fear. This is good news because no one wants to live in fear. And so, what do we do?

2 Timothy 1:7 instructs us to discipline ourselves to have a “sound mind.” How do we do this? We replace fear (not from God) with truth (God). Truth is found in God’s Word – the Bible. In this verse, Paul tells Timothy (struggled with lack of confidence) that he can rely on God’s power not his own. Power that can help him push through fear. Paul tells Timothy that God’s love is unconditional, and this love gives you the strength to push through fear. 

If you are overwhelmed with fear, turn to the truth (God). The truth is the way you push through fear. Don’t be ok with fear – push through it! If you have to, go back to your parent’s basement and dig out that old t-shirt that says No Fear, put it on, and memorize 2 Timothy 1:7. 

Let me pray for you:

Father, I ask you for the power to push through fear. Give me a sound mind – a mind that thinks about what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. God, you are love, and you tell me that perfect love casts out all fear. Help me believe this.

Song: Belong To You – Iron Bell Music


Pastor Joe
