A Higher Standard

It is March 2020 and right now the world is in isolation. We are separate from one another. We are forced to live life apart. From our families, our friends, and our neighbors. We’re told that it’s not safe to open our doors to the outside world. It’s as if life has been put on hold. The pause button has been pushed.

Some people are anxious. Some people are scared. Some people are angry. Some people are in denial. The list goes on and on. We all have different feelings and opinions on the virus at hand and its effects on humanity. But the one thing we can most all agree on is life as we know it, has changed. The future is uncertain.

For me my emotions have and continue to be all over the map. It’s the uncertainty of it all. The unknown. I can accept a challenge and most often embrace change but I also want to be certain of what tomorrow will bring.

Question. If you could change a couple of things in your life right now, what would they be? Wait! What if in order to answer that question you need to first ask yourself this question. What are the standards that you live by? Or more specifically, what are the standards that you open the door to and allow into your home?

To be completely honest, my prayer is that we wouldn’t long for the world that we used to know before this pandemic but that we would long for a new world where we all live by a higher standard. Imagine a healthier, cleaner, loving, more aware world.

Challenge. Instead of letting culture lead the church, let’s turn this “pause” into an opportunity to lead the culture around us and change the world. Let’s lean into God’s strength and His righteousness to reset our standard of living.

Romans 12:2

Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God—what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect.


God, we need you now, more than ever. Give us your strength in the coming days, weeks, and months. Calm our fears and bring healing to our mind and body. We long for a better world. A simpler world. May we be a light in the darkness, a city on a hill. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


Elevation Worship : Here Again

Pastor Ian
